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  • Writer's pictureBeth

Updated: Apr 4, 2020

Hopefully we all believe that great line from the Wizard of Oz to be true, because that's where we are finding ourselves these days. And while our library is closed, until we are given the go-ahead to get back to normal, I am going to be right here blogging on your behalf.

My name is Beth Grai, one of the Adult Services Librarian at the Clarkston Independence District Library. You usually see me at the Information Desk, ready to answer your reference questions. But I have been missing in action since the third week in January. Quick update for anyone wondering where I've been: I had foot surgery to repair a torn tendon. I've progressed from a scooter, to a walker, and am now trying to master the use of a cane. My goal, of course, is to walk on my own two feet with no aid, and I'm working hard to get there. Soon!

All together, I am now on my 10th week of "social distancing." One of the things I've been doing to keep myself entertained all this time is to put together puzzles. Before I left work back in January, I borrowed two puzzles from CIDL's puzzle exchange. Did you know the library has a puzzle exchange? It's by the Information Desk and no check out required. Need a new puzzle to work on? Take one home. If you have one at home you won't be using again, bring it in and add it to our exchange stand. Please look for them when we are back in business.

Anyway, I went through those first two puzzles fairly fast. I also put together two others that I'd gotten at Christmas. And then, fortunately, my daughter brought me one when she came home to help me out as I rehabbed. That's the puzzle of Mont Saint-Michel in the middle below. Wow, that was a tough one; all that blue! It took me five weeks, on and off, to finish that one. And, now I'm on to the beautiful puzzle of an Amsterdam canal.

I'm hoping you have some puzzles at home to work on right now. If you happen to need one, the first person who comments on my new blog will win a brand new puzzle, that I'll have shipped directly to your home. Your reward for reading this far down in my first post, and hopefully you'll be inspired to come back and check out future posts. And spread the word, please.

Getting back to the Wizard of Oz, do you have a hankering to read or listen to this classic book by L. Frank Baum? It's available as an e-book or an audio book on both OverDrive and Hoopla, courtesy of your favorite library, the Clarkston Independence District Library.

That's it for today. I hope you're doing well. And remember, stay home and stay safe.

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